Transaction Flow Diagrams

The images that follow are various ways that transactions can flow from a Merchant to the client, to Bluefin, and back, depending on the configuration.

Payment Transaction Flow


No change to the QSAPI implementation code is required

  1. Client requests Merchant payment page, which is sent to the client browser from the Merchant's website.
  2. Client enters payment data which is sent to Bluefin for processing.
  3. Bluefin replies (with HTTP 200) with a success/fail response directly to the client browser.

Payment Transaction Flow - Transparent Redirect

  1. Client requests Merchant payment page, which is sent to the client browser from the Merchant's website.
  2. Client enters payment data which is sent to Bluefin for processing.
  3. Bluefin replies (with HTTP 303) with a success/fail response to the client browser, which is redirected to the specified transparent redirect URS, which actually sends a merchant specified webpage to the client browser.

Payment Transaction Flow - POSTback

  1. Client requests Merchant payment page, which is sent to the client browser from the Merchant's website.
  2. Client enters payment data which is sent to Bluefin for processing.
  3. Bluefin replies (with HTTP 303) with a success/fail response to the client browser, which is redirected to the specified transparent redirect URL, which actually sends a merchant specified webpage to the client browser.
  4. Asynchronously, the transaction data is also sent directly back to the merchant's POSTback URL for their use.