First Data Rapid Connect Test Cards
Test cases for First Data Rapid Connect
Test Data
Street Address | City | State | Zip | CVV | Expiration Date |
1307 Broad Hollow Road | Melville | NY | 11747 | 123 | 12/30 |
Test Cases
The following test cases are designed to provide you with the ability to test approved and declined transactions from First Data Rapid Connect.
All pieces of information past the ‘Transaction Amount’ are what you can expect to get back if you are using the Address and CVV information from above.
Due to First Data’s design of the Rapid Connect the decline scenarios listed here are not exhaustive, and not all scenarios are able to be replicated within the PayConex Certification environment. A full list of Rapid Connect reason codes are provided on the following pages of this document.
Card Brand | Test Card No. | Amount | Authorization Message | Error | Error Code | Error Message | CVV Response | AVS Response | Reason Code |
VISA | 4264281555555555 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | N | 000 |
VISA | 4264281500006662 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | Y | 000 |
VISA | 4124939999999990 | 1.00 | Not sufficient funds | true | 30002 | DECLINED | NULL | NULL | 116 |
MASTERCARD | 5424180000000007 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | N | 000 |
MASTERCARD | 5424180055555558 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Unknwn | N | 000 |
MASTERCARD | 5424180000005550 | 1.00 | Decline | true | 30002 | DECLINED | NULL | NULL | 500 |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 379605177111118 | 1.00 | Decline | true | 30002 | DECLINED | NULL | NULL | 500 |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 379605175555555 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | U | 000 |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | 370000999999990 | 1.00 | Call for authorization | true | 30002 | DECLINED | NULL | NULL | 107 |
DISCOVER | 6011208702222228 | 2720.07 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | Y | 000 |
DISCOVER | 6011361000006668 | 1.00 | APPROVED | false | NULL | NULL | Match | Z | 000 |
DISCOVER | 6011208702222228 | 1.00 | Decline | true | 30002 | DECLINED | NULL | NULL | 500 |
Rapid Connect Reason Codes
Reason Code | Reason Description |
000 | Approve |
001 | Schema Validation Error |
002 | Approve for partial amount |
003 | Approve VIP |
100 | Do not honor |
101 | Expired card |
102 | Suspected fraud |
104 | Restricted card |
105 | Call acquirer's security department |
106 | Allowable PIN tries exceeded |
107 | Call for authorization |
108 | Refer to issuer's special conditions |
109 | Invalid merchant. The merchant is not in the merchant database or the merchant is not permitted to use this particular card |
110 | Invalid amount |
114 | Invalid account type |
116 | Not sufficient funds |
117 | Incorrect PIN |
118 | No card record |
119 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder |
120 | Transaction not permitted to terminal |
121 | Exceeds withdrawal amount |
122 | limit Security violation |
123 | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
124 | Violation of law |
129 | Suspected counterfeit card |
130 | Invalid terminal |
131 | Invalid account number |
132 | Unmatched card expiry date |
150 | Invalid merchant set up |
151 | Activation failed |
152 | Exceeds limit |
153 | Already redeemed |
154 | Over monthly limit |
155 | Recharge amount exceeded |
156 | Max number of recharges exceeded |
157 | Invalid entry |
208 | Lost card |
209 | Stolen card |
302 | Account closed. The account was closed, probably because the account balance was $0.00 |
303 | Unknown account. The account could not be located in the account table |
304 | Inactive account. The account has not been activated by an approved location |
308 | Already active. The card is already active and does not need to be reactivated |
311 | Not lost or stolen |
315 | Bad mag stripe. The mag stripe could not be parsed for account information |
316 | Incorrect location. There was a problem with the merchant location |
317 | Max balance exceeded. The transaction, if completed, would cause the account balance to be exceeded by the |
Updated about 2 years ago