Most reports are launched from the Reports Menu. The Reports Menu is accessed from the password protected Admin menu.
To access the Admin Menu, click on the .,#* button.
Appearance of button will vary depending on the device.

Detail Reports
Detailed reports may be printed or displayed on the terminal screen. Printed detailed reports are ordered by card type and reference number within card type, and are masked by the parameter.
Detail reports will not show Pre-Auth transactions. Those will be in the Open Pre-Auth Report.
- Press [1] or select Detail.

- Select Type of Detail Report desired from the list displayed.

This screen will display if more than one Trans Type exists in the batch. Trans types that are not supported will not display in the list.
- Select [Print] or select [Display].

- ress [1] to sort by Reference # or press [2] to sort by Invoice #.

- View transaction detail information. Select “NEXT” to view next transaction, or select “PREV” to view the previous transaction.

If there are multiple transactions in the batch, screen 7 will display again with the next transaction. When there are no more transactions, screen 8 will display.
The last four digits of the account number are viewed when Display is selected as opposed to print.
The transaction type is the same as in the printed reports, e.g., CSALE for credit sale.
![Displays until [Cancel] is pressed or Idle Timer times out. Return to Reports Menu.](
Displays until [Cancel] is pressed or Idle Timer times out. Return to Reports Menu.
- Report prints and terminal returns to idle.

Sample Terminal Detail Report

The transaction detail should be sorted by the reference # field.
The Credit section is broken out by card type ending in a “Total Credit” section.
Sample Detail Report with EBT

Summary Reports
The Summary Reports can be either printed or displayed. When displayed, the merchant is able to cycle through each card type, displaying summarized information on the transactions run for that card type. Each screen displays the Card Type, Grand Total Transaction Amount for that card type, and the Number of Transactions of that card type.
- Press [2] or select Summary.

- Select Type of Summary Report desired from the list displayed.

- Press [1] to print the report. Press [2] to display the report.

- To view the next transaction, select “NEXT” or Select “Cancel” to return to step 2.

Continue with next screen if end of records has been reached.
- Press [Cancel] to return to the Reports Menu.

- Report prints and terminal returns to idle

Sample Terminal Summary Report

Same Terminal Summary Report with EBT

Clerk Summary Report
The Clerk Summary Report will print a report displaying the number and type of transactions for all Clerks or for one particular Clerk. This report option will automatically be enabled if Clerk prompting is enabled, = 1. If prompting is disabled, this report will display as an option, however, the message “FEATURE DISABLED” will display if selected.
The Clerk Summary Report will contain multiple Summary Reports, one for each clerk that had transactions in the batch. The report format is identical to the Host Summary Report.
- Press [3] or select Clerk.

This screen will display if more than one Trans Type exists in the batch. Trans types that are not supported will not display in the list.
- Select Type of Clerk Report desired from the list displayed.

- Press [1] to print the report for all clerks. Press [2] to print the report for one clerk.

- Enter Clerk ID, press [Enter].

- Displays for approx. 2 seconds, if the clerk number entered is invalid, a prompt to enter Clerk ID will display again.

- Report prints and terminal returns to idle.

Displays while report is printing then returns to report menu screen.
Sample Clerk Summary Report

EMV Reports
EMV Parameter Report only displays if reporting is enabled.

- From the Reports Menu, select EMV Report or press [4].

- Select the desired option to print the selected report.

- Report will print. Title will reflect the selection from step 2 for printing.

EMV Parameter Report

EMV Statistics Report
The EMV Statistics Report provides the ability to view or print EMV statistics since the last batch close.
EMV statistics relating to EMV transactions available through this function are as follows:
Number of chip card read failures;
- Included in the above category, is if the transaction was approved on-line by the host but the chip update failed, this would be counted as a chip card read failure but will not be counted under number of offline funds decline;
- When fallback set to off, and the transaction fails due to chip error. This transaction is counted under this category, and not counted under technical fallback.
- At fallback card swipe prompt, [Cancel] key is pressed and EMV card is not swiped.
Number of PIN entry errors inclusive of the following cases:
- Each incorrect PIN entry at the ENTER PIN & OK prompt is counted under PIN entry errors i.e.; if an incorrect PIN is entered 2 times and then on the 3rd time a correct PIN is entered, PIN entry error is incremented by 2;
Number of offline funds decline inclusive of the following cases:
- Transaction attempted to go on-line but failed due to a communication error. Transaction was later declined by the card;
- Transaction approved on-line, however, transaction failed due to chip error before card update is completed.
Number of technical fallbacks inclusive of the following cases:
- Fallback transaction declined by the host;

If the parameter is set to ON, the EMV statistics report is also printed automatically at the end of a successful settlement before the terminal erases the statistics data stored in the memory.
EMV Public Key Load/Report
The EMV Public Key Load/Report allows the merchant to print the following data to the terminal:
- Certificate Authority Public Key Index (PKI);
- Certificate Authority (CA) Public Keys (6 keys per card association including modulus, exponent
and checksum/hash value (to a maximum of 66 keys in total);
When the report option is selected, the terminal prints the keys currently stored in the terminal. No download occurs.

EMV Last Transaction Report
The EMV Last Transaction Report prints data relative to the last EMV transaction performed.
Transaction data is collected starting after the first cryptogram is received from the ICC. If a transaction is cancelled before that process is complete, the previously stored transaction remains in memory.

Recent Error Report
The Recent Error Report contains system, application, and host errors that have occurred on the terminal during the past 10 days. These are errors that were detected by the payment application. Errors may result from any application related activity including, but not limited to, communication, data entry, User interface to the application, and HW interface to the application. Errors are displayed and printed in reverse chronological order of occurrence, starting with most recent.
- From the Reports Menu, select Recent Error.

- Press [.,#*] to print the report.
0116 is an example of the version number so can be any value

- Prints Report.

Sample Recent Error Report

Updated almost 2 years ago