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include_fields - all fields

Hi, can you point me to the Bluefin page that contains all fields (with their proper spelling) that can be included using parameter "include_fields" <br /> Thanks, Serge

Does curl command return a max of 20K records?

It seems that when I specify --data transaction_date=2024-??-??, I get about 20K records, mostly for the past month or 2, but not for the whole year. Is there a way to get more records? <br /> Thanks, Serge

Where can I find a list of all filter values for curl transaction_type and status

Currently I know that status can be APPROVED or DECLINED, are there other? transaction_type can be SALE or REFUND, are there others? If I don't specify status or transaction_type I can more variations, but how do I filter them into individual outputs? Also, there is transaction_date, how do I get a range for lets say 2024-05-15 - 2024-07-22? And, last one - how can I filter out transactions that are greater than $1.00? We got a lot of fraudulent transactions below $1.00 and want to filter them out. Thanks, Serge

Adding more fields to output file in curl

Hi, I am using your standard cmd command to extract transactional data and would like to add more fields to the output to match direct download from Payconex after a transactional search. curl --url <https://secure.payconex.net/api/rsapi/3.8> These are the fields that are present in direct download, but not in curl output. ENTRY_MODE ACH_SEC_CODE DDDS_VERSION DDDS_ECI DDDS_DSTRANSID DDDS_AUTHENTICATIONVALUE DDDS_STATUS PROGRAM PROGRAM_CARD HEALTHCARE_TOTAL_AMOUNT PRESCRIPTION_AMOUNT VISION_AMOUNT DENTAL_AMOUNT TRANSIT_AMOUNT COPAY_AMOUNT CLINICAL_AMOUNT ANTI_FRAUD_RECCOMENDATION DIGITAL_WALLET_TYPE R_TRANS_ID Thanks, Serge

Transaction status updates

I have implemented the PayConex API, but I have a situation where I need transaction status updates after the initial charge. For instance, if I execute a charge against a card or ACH payment, I would like to be notified once the transaction has changed states (ex: Settled.. etc). Is there an event framework I can subscribe too where I can get updates posted to a webhook? From what I've read in the documentation, it looks like adding a webhook address to my account only provides asynchronous API responses. Anyone know if this also includes transaction updates?


I have concerns with the software updates and updates happening during business hours. Is there a reason Bluefin does not do updates on weekends or after hours?