JavaScript Reference
How to implement the constructor and call methods, and how to handle exceptions using the Payment iFrame JavaScript Library.
The iFrame JavaScript library is the keystone of the iFrame solution, as it is this library that allows the client's website to communicate with Bluefin's Payment iFrame while securing the user's payment data and keeping the client's website out of scope of PCI compliance.
The iFrame library is found on Bluefin's server at
You can copy this library to your web server or reference it directly from Bluefin's server; either way, the web page containing the Bluefin Payment iFrame must include this library in order to allow the Payment iFrame to work.
The main component of this library is the PaymentiFrame class. This is the class that you will need to instantiate and call in order for your web page to communicate with the Payment iFrame.
Creates an instance of the PaymentiFrame
client library.
new PaymentiFrame([settings]);
An object that contains settings required to initialize the JavaScript library.
is set to false then the JavaScript library assumes that an iFrame element already exists on the page and it initializes the code with the providediframeId
. Ifcreate
is set to true then the JavaScript library will build the HTML for the iFrame tag and output it to the page before initializing.
The ID of the iFrame HTML tag on the page, e.g.,
Configuration settings used to configure and construct the iFrame.
This object is only required if thecreate
parameter above is set totrue
. It sets the look and feel of the iFrame that the PaymentiFrame object will create.
The properties this settings object can have are listed in the tables below.
Settings Object
The different properties of the settings object are grouped by categories in the tables below to make them more readable, but these are all properties of the same object.
Most properties here are the same settings as their equivalent URL parameter settings described in the iFrame Configuration section.
Required Properties
The following two properties are the only required properties for the PaymentiFrame library to create the iFrame, all other properties are optional.
Property name | Type | Description |
account | String | The merchant's account ID. |
parentId | String | The ID of the HTML element to embed the iFrame element into. |
<iframe/> Tag Properties
The following properties will define the HTML attributes of the created <iframe/> tag.
Property name | Type | Description |
devServer | String | The base URL to load the iFrame from an environment other than production, e.g., "" |
style | String | Value of the CSS to set on the iFrame tag. Can be used to set the background color for the whole iFrame element, set rounded corners, etc., e.g., "background:tan;" |
width | String | Sets the width of the iFrame element, e.g., "400px" |
height | String | Sets the height of the iFrame element, e.g., "200px" |
showFrame | Boolean | Boolean that sets the frame of the iFrame to visible or not visible. Default : false |
General Properties
The following properties apply for both basic and advanced style customization.
Property name | Type | Description |
lang (url. lang) | String | The language pack to use. Options : en , es , de , it , fr Default : en See iFrame Configuration Language Options section. |
payment_method (url. payment_method) | String | The type of transaction (credit card or ACH/check) for which to render the input controls when the iFrame is created. Options : cc , ach Default : cc |
cvv (url. cvv) | String | Configure if CVV is required, optional or omitted. Options : required , optional , omit Default : required See iFrame Configuration CVV Options section. |
expy (url. expy) | String | Sets the type of expiry HTML element(s) to use on the page. Options : single_input , double_input , single_dropdown , double_dropdown Default : single_input See iFrame Configuration Expiry Options section for more details. |
timeout (url. timeout) | String | Payment iFrame timeout in minutes. If idle for longer than this period, it redirects to a timeout page. Options : {1-60} Default : 10 |
onload | Function | A function that is called when the Payment iFrame page has finished loading, e.g., function () {console.log('iFrame loaded');} |
masked | Object | An object containing masked data and eToken that will be placed in the iFrame once it has loaded. The object has two properties eToken and formData , e.g., {formData: {number:"5xxxxxxxxxxx5454", cvv:"xxx", expy: "1234"}, eToken: "xRyzz2-9eRE...jdwPSzA3dbw_TvY"} See the setting masked data section for more details and sample code. |
Basic Customization Properties
The following properties are the basic customization properties. Most of these have URL property equivalents which are described on the iFrame Configuration page.
These properties will be overwritten by the advanced style customization properties (shown further below) if the advanced properties are set.
Property name | Type | Description |
layout (url. layout) | String | Sets the general layout for the iFrame. Options : layout_1 or 1 , layout_2 or 2 , layout_3 or 3 , layout_4 or 4 Default: layout_1 or 1 See iFrame Configuration Layout Options section for more details. |
inputStyle (url. input_style) | String | Sets the styles for the input boxes. Options : input_style_{1-4} or {1-4} Default: input_style_1 or 1 See iFrame Configuration Input Styles section for more details. |
labelFontFamily (url. label_font_family) | String | Sets the font family to use on the label text. Options : font_family_{1-20} or {1-20} See iFrame Configuration Font Family Options section for more details. |
labelFontSize (url. label_font_size) | String | Sets the font size of the text for the labels. Options : font_size_{8-34} or {8-34} See iFrame Configuration Font Size section for more details. |
labelFontColor (url. label_font_color) | String | Sets the color of the text on the labels. Options : Hex color Default: #000000 |
inputFontFamily (url. input_font_family) | String | Sets the font family to use on the input/select element text. Options : font_family_{1-20} or {1-20} See iFrame Configuration Font Family Options section for more details. |
inputFontSize (url. input_font_size) | String | Sets the size of the text on the input/select elements. Options : font_size_{8-34} or {8-34} See iFrame Configuration Font Size section for more details. |
inputFontColor (url. input_font_color) | String | Sets the color of the text on the input/select elements. Options : Hex color Default: #000000 |
showPlaceholders (url. show_placeholders) | String | Boolean string that sets whether there will be placeholders on the input boxes or not. Options : "true" , "false" Default: "true" |
labelWidth (url. label_width) | String | Sets the width of the text labels for layout_1 and layout_4. Dimensions can be set in pixels, ems or percentages. Options : {0-1000}px , {0-100}% , {0-100}em Default: 70% |
inputWidth (url. input_width) | String | Sets the width of the input boxes for layout_1 and layout_4. Dimensions can be set in pixels, ems or percentages. Options : {0-1000}px , {0-100}% , {0-100}em Default: 29% |
numberLabel (url. number_label) | Number | Sets an alternative label text for the card number input field. Caution, this option is not compatible with languages other than English. Options : {1-3} See iFrame Configuration Card Number Label section for more details. |
expyLabel (url. expy_label) | Number | Sets an alternative label text for the expiration date input field. Caution, this option is not compatible with languages other than English. Options : {1-3} See iFrame Configuration Expiration Date Label section for more details. |
cvvLabel (url. cvv_label) | Number | Sets an alternative label text for the CVV2 input field. Caution, this option is not compatible with languages other than English. Options : {1-13} Default: 1 See iFrame Configuration CVV2 Label section for more details. |
Computed Styles
The following properties allow attempting to detect automatically styling for the labels or inputs on the iFrame based on the styles of an existing element of the parent page.
Property name | Type | Description |
matchLabelStyle | String | The ID or JQuery selector for a HTML element to base the labelFontSize, labelFontFamily and labelFontColor values on, e.g., elm_to_copy See the Computing style from the parent page section for more details. |
matchInputStyle | String | The ID or JQuery selector for a HTML element to base the inputFontSize, inputFontFamily and inputFontColor values on, e.g., input_elm_to_copy See the Computing style from the parent page section for more details. |
Advanced Customization
The following properties are the advanced customization properties. They have URL equivalent properties.
If set, these properties will override the basic customization properties.
Property name | Type | Description |
css (url. css) | String | Custom CSS can allow the iFrame to be styled as the frame it is embedded in. See iFrame Configuration section for a list of the allowed values. |
text (url. text) | String | Set these parameters to include custom text on the iFrame's controls. See iFrame Configuration section for a list of the allowed values. |
font (url. font) | String | Allows the inclusion of particular fonts on the iFrame. See iFrame Configuration section for a list of the allowed values. |
Return Value
The PaymentiFrame object is returned. The Payment iFrame has three core functions encrypt(), setMasked() and clear().
new PaymentiFrame({
"create" : false,
"iframeId" : "payment_iframe"
new PaymentiFrame({
"create" : true,
"iframeId" : "payment_iframe",
"settings" : {
"account" : "10000000000",
"parentId" : "iframe_container",
"lang" : "en",
"cvv" : "required",
"expy" : "single_input",
"layout" : "1",
"labelFontFamily" : "13",
"inputFontFamily" : "13",
"inputStyle" : "1",
"labelFontSize" : "14",
"inputFontSize" : "14",
"labelFontColor" : "#000000",
"inputFontColor" : "#000000",
"style" : "background-color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 20px; padding:20px;",
"width" : "300px",
"height" : "140px",
"showFrame" : false,
"showPlaceholders" : true
The encrypt() method sends the card/check payment data from the iFrame to Bluefin's servers where it is encrypted, and it returns an eToken via an EncryptResponse object to the success callback function.
Internally, the encrypt function communicates with the encryption iFrame and instructs it to capture the user's input, validate the input, encrypt the payment data, and send the resulting eToken back to the parent page. The function takes an object as a parameter and returns the EncryptResponse object.
This method takes an object with the following properties as a parameter:
A method that accepts a function as a parameter. The parameter function is executed when the method has executed successfully. The following object is passed to the callback function.
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.eToken
A token for the captured payment data, this token must be passed in a QSAPI API call to complete a transaction.masked
An object containing the masked card data. Depending on the type of data captured (credit card or check) the object can contain the following properties:number
A masked payment card number in the following format 4xxxxxxxxxxxxx1234.expy
The unmasked payment expiry value in the clear, e.g., 1219.cvv
The masked CVV value, e.g., xxx or xxxx.Or an object containing the masked check data.
A masked check account number in the following format 1xxxxxxxx1234.routing_number
The unmasked bank routing number in the clear, e.g., 124302150.
A method that accepts a function as a parameter. The parameter function is executed when the asynchronous encrypt function fails. The following object is passed to the callback function.
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.message
A human-readable error message.
A method that accepts a function as a parameter. This parameter function is executed when user input fails validation. The purpose of the data passed to this function is to allow the parent page to provide users with feedback.
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.invalidInputs
An array of invalidInput objects. The invalidInput object has the following properties:field
Identifies the field with invalid input, must be one of number, expy, or cvv for card transactions or account_number or routing_number for check transactions.message
A human-readable error message for the invalid input.code
A code to identify the reason that the user input value was rejected. For a full list of codes refer to the Invalid Input Codes section.
Return Value
An EncryptResponse object is returned from the paymentiFrame.encrypt() function.
It contains the success(), failure(), and invalidInput() methods which attach functions to the internal success, failure and invalidInput events. The callback functions passed to these methods have the same signature as the corresponding properties in the settings object.
.success( function (res) {
alert( "id " + + " token=>" + res.eToken );
.failure( function (err) {
alert("Error: " + + " -> " + err.message );
.invalidInput( function (data) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.invalidInputs.length; i++ ){
alert("Error: " + data.invalidInputs[i].code + " -> " + data.invalidInputs[i].message );
paymentiFrame.encrypt( {
success : function (res) {
alert( "id " + + " token=>" + res.eToken );
failure : function (err) {
alert("Error: " + + " -> " + err.message );
invalidInput : function (data) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.invalidInputs.length; i++ ){
alert("Error: " + data.invalidInputs[i].code + " -> " + data.invalidInputs[i].message );
The setMasked() method populates an iFrame with an eToken and the corresponding masked card data. If the user does not modify the values in the input box then the iFrame outputs the same masked data and eToken when the encrypt() function is called. However, if the user modifies the data in the input fields then the encrypt function will use the new values when creating an eToken. The function takes a settings object as a parameter and returns the MaskedResponse object.
PaymentiFrame.setMasked(maskedData, eToken, [settings])
An object containing the masked card data. Depending on the type of data captured (credit card or check) the object can contain the following properties:
A masked payment card number in the following format 4xxxxxxxxxxxxx1234.expy
The unmasked payment expiry value in the clear, e.g., 1219.cvv
The masked CVV value, e.g., xxx or xxxx.
Or an object containing the masked check data.
A masked check account number in the following format 1xxxxxxxx1234.routing_number
The unmasked bank routing number in the clear, e.g., 124302150.
An eToken obtained through the
A set of key/value pairs that configure the encryption function call. All properties are optional.
A function to be called when the asynchronous encrypt function successfully finishes. The function gets passed one argument, an Object with three properties:id
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.
A token for the captured payment data, this token must be passed in a QSAPI API call to complete a transaction.masked
An object containing the masked card data. Depending on the type of data captured (Credit card or check) the object can contain the following properties:number
A masked payment card number in the following format 4xxxxxxxxxxxxx1234.expy
The unmasked payment expiry value in the clear, e.g., 1219.cvv
The masked CVV value, e.g., xxx or xxxx.And the following for check transactions
A masked check account number in the following format 1xxxxxxxx1234.routing_number
The unmasked bank routing number in the clear, e.g., 124302150.failure
A method that accepts a function as a parameter. The parameter function is executed when the asynchronous encrypt function fails. The following object is passed to the callback
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.message
A human-readable error message.
Return Value
A MaskedResponse object is returned from the PaymentiFrame.setMasked() function.
It contains the success() and failure() methods which attach functions to the internal success and failure events.
The callback functions passed to these methods have the same signature as the corresponding properties in the settings object.
var masked_data = {
number : "5xxxxxxxxxxx5454",
cvv : "xxx",
expy : "1234"
var eToken = "xRyzz2-9eREX_7Zu2Ix1zamDV2cMkqNKb4P05-CU-KXGhAfmfz67AVj0qkj3N278Khw80rxjzKfZEYdtnKPOnIzcgPlJRZ6weC4AVc5WQR00yhgT-Hcg0dAF7faZXSYd-J1-u94cTfsQwJmo5i5lGYIPGGa7Kex3w9-OO9VTFjdhFFVmAsuNx1ugJnGESy4zdeyR8N53H8D_nCOJ5jdwPSzA3dbw_TvY";
PaymentiFrame.setMasked( masked_data, eToken )
Clears the input fields within the iFrame.
This method takes an object which is a set of key/value pairs that configures the clear function call. All properties are optional.
A function to be called when the asynchronous clear function successfully finishes. The function gets passed one argument, an object with a single property ID which contains a unique identifier for the API call.
Unique GUID that identifies the API/function call. The same ID is returned from the encrypt function call.
A method that accepts a function as a parameter. The parameter function is executed when the asynchronous encrypt function fails. The following object is passed to the callback function.
An ID which contains a unique identifier for the API call.message
A human-readable error message.
Return Value
A ClearResponse object is returned from the PaymentiFrame.clear() function.
It contains the success() and failure() methods which attach functions to the internal success and failure events. The callback functions passed to these methods have the same signature as the corresponding properties in the settings object.
.success(function (res){
.failure(function (err) {
alert("failed to clear");
success: function (res){
failure: function (err) {
alert("failed to clear");
Throw new BluefinException()
There are certain conditions where the PaymentiFrame library will throw an exception during construction. These exceptions are only thrown in scenarios where the library cannot continue with stability, e.g., iFrame cannot be found. All exceptions are of type BluefinException.
BluefinException Object
The BluefinException object contains information about the circumstances that caused the exception to be thrown. It has :
Object name. This is always set to BluefinException.
A human-readable readable message that describes the exception.
The code identifies the circumstances that caused the exception to be thrown. The codes are as follows:
an element with the ID provided in theiframeId
cannot be found on the page.
an element with theiframeId
was found on the page but it was not an iFrame.
an iFrame with theiframeId
was found but its source is not pointing to a valid Bluefin domain.
an iFrame with theiframeId
was found but it does not point to the correct path.
try {
var paymentiFrame = new PaymentiFrame({
"create": false,
"iframeId": "payment_iframe",
} catch (error) {
alert( + ' [' + error.code + '] error message: ' + error.message );
Updated almost 3 years ago