API End-point Overview

End-point definitions for the Account Updater API.

Environment URLs

There are two different environments for this service. The certification environment is for testing integrations, and production is for live production requests.

  • The certification environment URL is: https://api-cert.payconex.net
  • The production environment URL is: https://api.payconex.net

The end-point definitions below describe the services that each end-point can provide via different HTTP methods.

Webhook Services

The PayConex webhook service allows a developer to create a webhook that will receive notifications when tokens/card accounts are updated by the card issuers.

Registering a Webhook

This end-point allows a developer the ability to create a webhook.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
POSTCreate a webhook.

Managing a Webhook

This end-point allows the retrieval, modification, or removal of a previously configured webhook.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
GETRetrieve the details of a previously created webhook.
PATCHModify the details of a previously created webhook.
DELETERemove a previously created webhook.

If you'd like to read more about these functions and see some example request/response information please see our guide on Setting up and Managing Webhooks.

Card Subscription Services

A PayConex Account Updater subscription is an object that contains an array of token/card data along with instructions for how frequently PayConex should update the card data on file.



The term subscription in this context is not tied to a recurring payment schedule within PayConex. In this context it means you are subscribing token/card data to be updated on a set schedule.

The PayConex account updater service does work with the recurring payment schedules in PayConex natively. If you're interested in using PayConex for recurring payments please see our guide on how to Schedule Transactions.

Creating a Subscription

These end-points allow a developer to subscribe customer's stored token/card data for continuous updates by the card issuers.

When a subscription is created PayConex will issue the token/card data records for updates on a set schedule. The records and schedule are defined as part of the API request body.

PayConex tokens can be sent through the payconex/subscribe end-point, pan information through the pan/subscribe end-point, or ShieldConex tokens by using the shieldconex/subscribe end-point.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
POSTSubscribe to a card (or cards) for continuous updates on a set schedule.

If you'd like to read more about these functions and see some example request/response information please see our guide on Creating Subscriptions.

Managing a Subscription

This end-point allows a developer to retrieve/change the details of or delete a previously set up account updater subscription.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
GETAllows the retrieval of the details of previously configured Account Updater subscriptions.
PATCHUpdate the given subscription with new details or configuration.
DELETERemove/delete the given subscription schedule so that account updates no longer occur.

Removing Individual Token/Card Records to a Subscription

This end-point allows the removal of a specific record that is part of an account updater subscription.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
DELETERemove/delete the given card/token record from the given subscription.

Adding Individual Token/Card Records to a Subscription

These end-points allow new tokens or cards to be added to an existing subscription using a subscriptionId.

PayConex tokens can be sent through the payconex/subscribe end-point, pan information through the pan/subscribe end-point, or ShieldConex tokens by using the shieldconex/subscribe end-point.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
POSTAdd a new token/account record to an existing subscription.

If you'd like to read more about these functions and see some example request/response information please see our guide on Managing a Subscription.

Retrieving Account Updater Results

Getting Subscription Details

This end-point returns the full details of a subscription. The id of a previous subscription request/response is used as the scheduleId.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
GETFetches the details and most recent updates for a given scheduleId that was provided in a previous subscribe request.

Getting Updates

After configuring a webhook and an account updater subscription PayConex will issue notifications to the webhook URL provided. When a webhook notification is received this end-point can be used with the resulting updateId to retrieve all updates associated with the webhook notification.

HTTPS Method(s)
HTTP MethodDescription
GETRetrieve the results of a set of updates from the updateId provided in a webhook notification.

If you'd like to read more about these functions and see some example request/response information please see our guide on Retrieving Card Updates.

What’s Next

For detailed code examples please see the next article for request and response examples.