Level 2 Transaction Processing
Information on Level 2 transaction processing
If you are supporting purchasing cards and level 2 transactions you will be required to capture and pass additional data fields in order to comply with the requirements issued by the major card brands. Without the use of the additional fields, your transactions will not qualify as level 2 transactions.
To support Level 2 processing this extra data should be sent as part of a SALE or AUTHORIZAITON transaction.
The additional fields to be included in the transaction request are:
Variable Name | Max | Type | Req'd | Description |
level2_merchant_reference | 17 | Alphanumeric | No | A merchant-defined reference. |
level2_order_id | 17 | Alphanumeric | No | A merchant-defined order identifier. |
level2_tax | ??? | Numeric with decimal | No | For Visa cards, the value must be expressed as greater than 0.00, for MasterCard value may be expressed as 0.00 if desired. |
level2_zip | 10 | Numeric with hyphen | No | Typically the same value as the customer's zip code variable value. This value is not validated like the "zip" variable value, so any alphanumeric value up to 10 digits is valid. |
For More Information
See the QSAPI Request Format Variables Index for more details on these and other variables that can be sent with a PayConex API transaction request.
Example PayConex API Request with Level 2 Data
curl --request POST \
--url https://cert.payconex.net/api/qsapi/3.8/ \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data account_id=220614966801 \
--data api_accesskey=32d42f0f0b6a89616d42aed8c96801e6 \
--data tender_type=CARD \
--data transaction_type=SALE \
--data transaction_amount=25.00 \
--data response_format=JSON \
--data card_number=4124939999999990 \
--data card_expiration=1230 \
--data zip=12345 \
--data level2_merchant_reference=MEM001 \
--data level2_order_id=ORD001 \
--data level2_tax=1.20 \
--data level2_zip=12345
Example PayCoenx API Response
"transaction_id": "000000218046",
"tender_type": "CARD",
"transaction_timestamp": "2023-07-13 13:31:34",
"card_brand": "VISA",
"transaction_type": "SALE",
"last4": "9990",
"card_expiration": "1230",
"authorization_code": "176191",
"authorization_message": "APPROVED",
"request_amount": 25,
"transaction_amount": 25,
"keyed": true,
"swiped": false,
"entry_mode": "keyed",
"transaction_approved": true,
"avs_response": "P",
"currency": "USD",
"error": false,
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": null,
"error_msg": null
Updated 8 months ago