Verifone XPI

Verifone terminals are PCI 4.x/5.x compliant devices that feature 3DES encryption, Master Key/Session Key and Derived Unique Key per Transaction (DUKPT) key management, incorporate VeriShield file authentication, and tampering safeguards. The devices allow manual card data entry, magnetic card swipes, smart card chip reads, and contactless card data entry. Standard payment applications are available from Verifone to interface with most electronic cash registers (ECRs).

Verifone supports a software development ecosystem for remote application downloads.

This page is for Verifone devices running the XPI Application.

To obtain card data, the POS sends commands to the attached device. Relevant commands are detailed below. [STX], [ETX], [FS] and [LRC] are one byte characters: start of transmission, end of transmission, field separator and LRC check sum.

EMV Payloads

To enable EMV you must send a C30 request.


C31 Response:


Getting Encrypted Data

To extract card holder data from the Verifone device, send the E06 command.





The response contains the following data elements:

Data ElementValues
A two-character value that maps to the following:
00 – Success
01 – No Encrypted Track (for EMV, MSR) or Card (for Manual) Data
02 – Crypto Error
99 – Command currently not supported
A two-character value that maps to the following:
00 – No Encryption (Clear Data)
01 – Reserved
02 – PKI
03 – Reserved
04 – Reserved
05 – VSD (Verifone Secure Data)
A two-character value that maps to the following:
01 – Track Data
02 – EMV Data
* 03 – Manual Entry Data
The base64 encoded encrypted data. The ASCII version of the payload consists of a list of tags in tag length value (TLV) format in no particular order. See the table below for important tags.


What is a TLV?

Tag length value (TLV) is a data encoding scheme. Values are appended to a string in triplets. The first field in the triplet is the "type" of data being processed, the second field specifies the "length" of the value, the third field contains a "length" amount of data representing the value for the "type". Typically, the type and length fields are fixed in size (typically 1-4 bytes).

Multiple pieces of data can be transmitted in the same string by appending more triplets to a previously existing string.

Verifone Device TLV Tags

Tag Name TagID Tag Value Description Value Length
Payment Type DF9001

Specifies transaction Payment Type:

  • 0x0001 – Track Data
  • 0x0002 – EMV data
  • 0x0003 – Manual Entry
Fixed, 2 bytes

The 3DES encrypted data. The encrypted content depends on the Payment Type. The content maps as follows:

  • MSR: Track 2 1d Track 1 1d padding.
  • EMV: TLV list of EMV tags.
  • Manual: PAN=EXP1dCVV
Variable length. The device adds a number of zero (0x00) bytes to the end of data string to round the total length to the next 8 bytes length.
DF9021 Key Sequence Number of the Blob Fixed, 10 bytes
DF9022 Initial Vector (IV) of the Blob. The device can be configured to not to use IV. Fixed, 8 bytes

Extracting the Decryptx Parameters

After encrypting its payload, the Verifone device base64 encodes it. In order to extract the parameters for use in a Decryptx API call, first convert the data from its base64 encoded format to a hexadecimal encoded string. The following is a sample EMV payload with the payload in base64 format:


After removing the header data 'E070005[FS]02[FS]', convert the payload to hexadecimal. The converted payload contains the following TLV string:


This data is parsed as follows:

1-6DF900FTag ID: ignored
7-802Tag length (Decimal 2)
9-124646Tag value: ignored
13-18DF9001Tag ID: Payment Type
19-2002Tag length (Decimal 2)
21-242002Payment Type Data
25-30DF9009Tag ID: ignored
31-3202Tag length (Decimal 2)
37-42DF9020Tag ID: Encrypted Blob
43-4440Tag length (Decimal 64)
45-1744061AA...4402EDEncrypted data
175-180DF9021Tag ID: Key Sequence Number (KSN)
181-1820ATag length (Decimal 10)
183-202FFFF98...00004AKey Sequence Number
203-208DF9022Tag ID: Initialization Vector (IV)
209-21008Tag length (Decimal 8)
211-226DB1E26...651F30Initial Vector (IV). Used in CBC 3DES Decryption.

The Decryptx API Call

To make an API call to the Decryptx decrypt endpoint, include the encrypted blob (B7FF37…4402ED), the KSN (FFFF987654325800004A) and IV (DB1E263826651F30) from the payload above. The decrypted value returned by Decryptx will also be a TLV string. The string can be parsed as follows:


This data is parsed as follows:

1-25ATag ID: Primary Account Number (PAN)
3-408Tag length (Decimal 8)
5-20476173...010010PAN in ASCII
21-245F24Tag ID: Expiration Date
25-2603Tag length (Decimal 3)
27-32151231Expiration Date (YYMMDD)
33-3457Tag ID: Track 2 Equivalent Data
35-3611Tag length (Decimal 17)
37-70476173...878089The Track 2 data in PAN D YYMM format.
71-749F1FTag ID: Track 1 Discretionary Data
75-7610Tag length (Decimal 16)
77-108313134...303030Discretionary Data in Hexadecimal: ASCII value: 1143800780000000
109-1125F30Tag ID: Service Code
113-11402Tag length (Decimal 2)
115-1180201SVC Code
119-1280000000000Padding with zero bytes to round the Encrypted Blob Length to the nearest 8 bytes.

Swiped Payloads


After removing the header data 'E070005[FS]02[FS]', convert the payload to hexadecimal. The converted payload contains the following TLV string:


This data is parsed as follows:

1-6DF900FTag Id: ignored
7-802Tag length (Decimal 2)
9-124646Tag value: ignored
13-18DF9001Tag ID: Payment Type
19-2002Tag length (Decimal 2)
21-240001Payment Type Data
25-30DF9009Tag Id: ignored
31-3202Tag length (Decimal 2)
37-42DF9020Tag ID: Encrypted Blob
43-4450Tag length (Decimal 64)
45-204AD9308...EF6A31Encrypted data
205-210DF9021Tag ID: Key Sequence Number (KSN)
211-2120ATag length (Decimal 10)
213-232FFFF98...000021Key Sequence Number
233-238DF9022Tag ID: Initialization Vector (IV)
239-24008Tag length (Decimal 8)
241-256C407B8...ECE032Initial Vector (IV). Used in CBC 3DES Decryption.

After we make the API call to the Decryptx decrypt endpoint with the encrypted data (61AA80...4402ED), the KSN (FFFF987654325800004A) and IV (DB1E263826651F30) from the payload above. The decrypted value returned by Decryptx is a hexadecimal encoded string of length 80. The string can be parsed as follows:


This data is parsed as follows:

1-6DF900FTag ID: ignored
7-802Tag length (Decimal 2)
9-124646Tag value: ignored
13-18DF9001Tag ID: Payment Type
19-2002Tag length (Decimal 2)
21-240001Payment Type Data
25-30DF9009Tag ID: ignored
31-3202Tag length (Decimal 2)
37-42DF9020Tag ID: Encrypted Blob
43-4450Tag length (Decimal 64)
45-204AD9308...EF6A31Encrypted data
205-210DF9021Tag ID: Key Sequence Number (KSN)
211-2120ATag length (Decimal 10)
213-232FFFF98...000021Key Sequence Number
233-238DF9022Tag ID: Initialization Vector (IV)
239-24008Tag length (Decimal 8)
241-256C407B8...ECE032Initial Vector (IV). Used in CBC 3DES Decryption.