Generating a PCI Audit Report
The PCI council has many device-tracking chain-of-custody requirements that merchants must follow for validated P2PE solutions. Bluefin’s P2PE manager addresses all PCI P2PE chain of custody requirements, making it easy to comply. As devices are shipped, checked in, and statuses are updated, P2PE manager automatically logs these records, allowing you to simply print out a report, if needed, for a PCI compliance audit.
How to generate a report:
- Click on the “Reports” tab, look at the menu on the left, and make sure POI chain of custody is selected. Use the filters on the top if needed.
- Once you are ready to pull the report, click “Apply.”
- Click the CSV button to the right, to export the report. This will generate a complete report for your P2PE audit.
The following video will walk you through the process.
Updated almost 3 years ago