Error Handling for Processing Payloads
Possible error codes and where they appear in a Decryptx response.
In a Decryptx response, error codes can appear in two separate locations:
- The errCode property appears at the base of the response object; it represents the high level error for the response, e.g., 1003 Authentication required. Error codes between 1 - 100 originate on the Parser; codes between 1000 and 2000 originate on Decryptx.
- In instances where the decryption fails, an errCode is returned with the value of 1303. A more specific error code is also returned in the decrypted array.
"success" : false,
"errMessage" : "All values failed to decrypt",
"errCode" : 1303,
"decrypted": [
"name" : "track2",
"failed" : true,
"message" : "No CC found in decrypted result",
"code" : 1406
"messageId": "1201610181032081012815612"
Sample 1303 "All decryptions failed" error response. In the decrypted array, the "code" property outlines the reason for each specific track failing to decrypt.
Error Codes
Following is a list of all possible error codes with their descriptions and the HTTP response code that will accompany them.
HTTP Code | errCode | Description |
409 | 1001 | Generic/unknown error code |
400 | 1101 | No partnerId provided |
400 | 1102 | No partnerKey provided |
401 | 1103 | Partner not found |
401 | 1104 | Partner is found, but is disabled or otherwise not allowed to place API calls |
401 | 1105 | The provided partnerKey is invalid |
400 | 1201 | No device serial number provided |
409 | 1202 | Device not found/recognized |
409 | 1203 | The indicated device is not currently active |
409 | 1204 | Invalid firmware version |
400 | 1301 | No data to decrypt was provided |
409 | 1302 | One or more encrypted values failed to decrypt, at least one succeeded, the response will indicate success in this situation, but this error code will be provided as well. Inspect decrypted array objects for specific error codes and messages. |
409 | 1303 | All decryptions failed |
409 | 1401 | Decryption failed, no name provided |
409 | 1402 | Decryption failed, no value provided |
400 | 1403 | Decryption failed, insufficient data provided. Typically caused by not providing appropriate information in the decryptionParameters property like the sequenceNumber value when one is required. |
409 | 1404 | Decryption failed for some other reason |
409 | 1405 | CC Data sent in the clear |
409 | 1406 | No CC found in decrypted result |
Updated almost 3 years ago