Error Handling for Decryptx Parser

This page describes the the error responses that can be output by the Decryptx Parser's APIs.

Error Response Handling

The Decryptx Parser's error response object will always contain a success property that is set to false. It will also contain a human readable errMessage and a machine friendly errCode. If a reference value is included in the API request, it will be included in the response object. Some error responses will include a messageId which can be used to view the decryption record on the P2PEManager. API calls that fail validation are not recorded on the P2PE Manager and will not include a messageId.

    "success"   : false,
    "errCode"   : 2800,
    "errMessage": "PAN not found in decrypted data",
    "reference" : "myref",
    "messageId" : "1201804091311071001318556"

Sample 2800 "PAN not found in decrypted data" error response.

Error Categories

The following table categorises the errCodes ranges that can be returned from /api/decrypt/parser API call.

errCode HTTP Response Code Description
1 - 100 500 Internal server error.
1003 401 Authentication errors.
2000 - 2008 400 API constraint violation errors.
2100 - 2280 400 Device errors.
2400 400 KSN error.
2600 - 2606 400 Decryption errors.
2800 400 Post decryption validation error.
1303 400 All decryptions failed

Specific Error Messages

The following tables outline the error codes, their descriptions, and the steps required to generate the error condition. Where applicable the table will also contain a sample body for a /api/decrypt/parser REST request.

Internal server error

errMessageInternal Server Error.
descriptionThe Parser cannot communicate with the Decryptx Service

API constrain violations

errMessageAuthentication required
descriptionThe API call included invalid credentials.

API constrain violations

errMessageThe deviceType parameter is required
descriptionThe API call omitted the required deviceType parameter.
errMessageInvalid deviceType value
descriptionA device type other than generic, IDTECH, Ingenico-RA1, Ingenico-RBA, Miura, Prima, Verifone, WisePad, or WisePad 2 was specified.
errMessageInvalid Client ID value
descriptionThe Client ID parameter exceeded 50 character limit or contained invalid data.
errMessageInvalid reference value
descriptionThe reference parameter exceeded 50 character limit or contained invalid data.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload value
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter was either: omitted, is shorter than 20 characters, or longer than 5000 characters.
errMessageInvalid deviceSerial value
descriptionThe deviceSerial parameter contains more than 50 characters.
errMessageMalformed KSN, the KSN parameter should be a 20 character alphanumeric string
descriptionThe KSN parameter has the incorrect format.
errMessageInvalid IV value
descriptionThe IV parameter had the wrong format. It must be a 20 character alphanumeric string.
errMessageUnexpected Parameter in payload. Only partnerId, partnerKey, devicePayload, deviceSerial, KSN, IV, reference and ClientId parameters are allowed
descriptionAn API call was sent with an unsupported parameter in the POST body.

Device specific errors (Generic Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial, devicePayload, and KSN are required for the generic device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to generic a deviceSerial, devicePayload, and KSN must be specified.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the generic device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to generic, the devicePayload must be hex encoded.
errMessageInvalid KSN for the generic device
descriptionThe KSN parameter has the incorrect format.
errMessageInvalid IV for the generic device
descriptionThe IV parameter has the incorrect format.

Device specific errors (IDTECH Devices)

errMessageInvalid devicePayload value for the IDTECH device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid IDTECH payload.

Device specific errors (Ingenico RA1 Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required for the Ingenico RA1 device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Ingenico RA1 the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the Ingenico RA1 device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid Ingenico RA1 payload.

Device specific errors (Ingenico RBA Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required for the Ingenico RBA device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Ingenico RBA, the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the Ingenico RBA device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid Ingenico RBA payload.

Device specific errors (Miura Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial, devicePayload, and KSN are required for the Miura device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Miura, the deviceSerial, KSN, and devicePayload are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the Miura device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid Miura payload.
errMessageInvalid KSN for the Miura device
descriptionThe KSN parameter has the incorrect format.

Device specific errors (Infinite Peripherals Prima Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required for the Prima device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Prima, the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the Prima device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid Prima payload.
errMessageInvalid KSN for the Prima device
descriptionThe KSN parameter has the incorrect format.

Device specific errors (Verifone Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required for the Verifone device
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Verifone, the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for the Verifone device
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid Verifone payload.

Device specific errors (WisePad Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required for Wisepad devices
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to WisePad, the deviceSerial and devicePayload are required.
errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial, devicePayload and KSN are required for swiped WisePad payloads
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to Verifone and the devicePayload is a swiped payload, the KSN, deviceSerial, and devicePayload parameters are required.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload for WisePad
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid WisePad payload.

Device specific errors (WisePad 2 Devices)

errMessageMissing parameter(s), the deviceSerial, devicePayload, and KSN are required for WisePad 2 devices
descriptionWhen making an API call with the deviceType set to WisePad 2, the KSN, deviceSerial and devicePayload parameters are required.
errMessageInvalid deviceSerial value for WisePad 2. The serial should begin with the characters WPC and have 12 additional digits
descriptionMalformed deviceSerial for WisePad 2 devices.
errMessageInvalid devicePayload value for WisePad 2
descriptionThe devicePayload parameter value is not a valid WisePad 2 payload.

KSN errors

errMessageValid KSN not found in payload
descriptionMalformed KSN. This error is returned when KSN that fails validation is extracted from the devicePayload value. It suggests that the root cause is a malformed payload.

Decryption errors

errMessageDevice serial not specified
descriptionThis is a decryption specific error. The serial number was omitted.
errMessageDevice not found
descriptionA device cannot be found to match the specified deviceSerial (or the serial contained within the devicePayload for IDTECH devices).
errMessageDevice is not currently active
descriptionA device is found on the system to match the deviceSerial (or the serial contained within the devicePayload for IDTECH devices), however that device is not set to active. The root cause for this issue could be that the device has not been deployed yet, or the device generated three invalid payloads in a row and was automatically set to malfunctioning by Decryptx.
errMessageNo data to decrypt
descriptionDecryption error.
errMessageInsufficient data provided
descriptionDecryption error.
errMessageDecryption failed
descriptionGeneric decryption error.

Decryption errors

errMessagePAN not found in decrypted data
descriptionAfter the Parser decrypts the payload it extracts the PAN. This error is generated if the extracted PAN fails validation. The PAN must be between 13 and 19 digits and pass the luhn test.