JUMP TODecryptx APIValidateValidate a PartnerpostValidate a DevicepostDecryptDecrypt P2PE datapostDecrypt External DatapostHealthcheckHealthcheck methodgetP2PE Manager APIUsersList all UsersgetCreate a UserpostGet a single UsergetDelete a UserdeleteUpdate a UserpatchPartnersList all PartnersgetCreate a PartnerpostGet a single PartnergetUpdate a PartnerpatchClientsList all ClientsgetCreate a ClientpostGet a single ClientgetDelete a ClientdeleteUpdate a ClientpatchLocationsGet all LocationsgetCreate a LocationpostRead a LocationgetDelete a LocationdeleteUpdate a LocationpatchShipmentsList all ShipmentsgetCreate a ShipmentpostGet a single ShipmentgetUpdate a ShipmentpatchAttestationsList all AttestationgetCreate an AttestationpostGet a single AttestationgetTransactionsList all TransactionsgetCreate a TransactionpostGet a single TransactiongetUpdate a TransactionpatchDevicesList all DevicesgetCreate a DevicepostGet a Device by Serial & TypegetGet a Device by IDgetUpdate a DevicepatchActivate RKI DevicespostReceive DevicespostInject KeysList all Inject KeysgetGet a single Inject KeygetDevice TypesList all Device TypesgetGet a single Device TypegetDecryptionProxy for decryption api.postDevice BuildsList device builds.getList a single Device BuildgetDevice CustodyList a Device's Custody entries.getCreate a Device Custody entry.postGet a Device Custody entry.getDevice StatesLists all Device States.getKifsLists all KIFs.getVirtual DevicesLists Devices shared to a partner.getShares devices with a partner.postUnshares Devices with a Partner.deleteValidate a Partnerpost https://example.com/api/partner/validateThis endpoint allows a partner to validate their credentials.