API Tokenization
When using the API directly for data tokenization, it is your responsibility to handle any validation and gathering of data. This is only a single step to tokenize data; it will not be held anywhere temporarily for retrieval as is the case with the iFrame solution. Once you send the data, you will receive tokenized values for the same data and a BFID. The BFID and tokenized values are necessary to detokenize the data.
You can access the ShieldConex Tokenization APIs Tokenization
Here are some important items to note for Data Tokenization using the API:
- The authentication is sent in the header with each API call.
- You must enter all values that exist within a template. If any values are missing, you will receive an error response.
- 'Reference' is simply a reference value that you can use to track API requests and responses. Reference is not a mandatory entry, it is solely for tracking purposes.
- Order of values in the "values" array is not guaranteed; use the "name" property to match them, never by index.
Next Steps
Once you have the iFrame and tokenization implemented, you'll want to start working on Detokenization in the Data Retrieval guide.
Updated over 1 year ago