JUMP TOPayConex 4ApplePayGet merchant detailsgetRegister DomainspostGet an Apple Pay Session for a merchant account (To be used from a merchant integration)postCard PaymentsCreate a transaction entry in database and set some data.postRetrieve transaction details.getUpdate level III data or update a transaction meta-data.patchAPI KeysList api keys.getCreate api key.postRetrieve api key details.getUpdate an API KeypatchDelete an API keydeleteAccountUpdaterCreate a recurring AccountUpdater PayConex Token UpdatepostCreate a recurring AccountUpdater PAN UpdatepostCreate a recurring AccountUpdater ShieldConex Token CreatepostGet Details of updates which happened at the same timegetGet the most recent update for each record associated with a schedulegetget the configured subscriptions it has previously set upgetdelete/disable the configured subscriptions it has previously set updeleteupdate the configured subscriptions it has previously set uppatchadd more records to the existing subscriptionpostadd more records for the configured subscriptions it has previously set uppostadd more records for the configured subscriptions it has previously set uppostdelete the configured subscriptions it has previously set up by recordIddeleteWebhooksCreate a webhookpostGet the details of a webhookgetCreate a Webhook UpdatepatchDelete a webhook entrydeleteDynamic DescriptorsGet a list of dynamic descriptorsgetCreate a new dynamic descriptorpostGet a dynamic descriptorgetEdit a dynamic descriptorpatchDelete a dynamic descriptordeletePayment iframeCreate Payment iframe configuration set.postGet Payment iframe configuration set.getUpdate Payment iframe configuration set.patchDelete Payment iframe configuration set.deleteCreate a details.postGet iFrame instance detailsgetGet an Apple Pay Session for a merchant account (To be used from a merchant integration)post https://api.payconex.net/api/v4/accounts/{accountId}/applePay/sessionGet an Apple Pay session for a merchant to use Required Scopes The API Key calling this endpoint must have one of the following scopes: pcx:apple_pay:* pcx:apple_pay:session:get