PayConex - 8.17.2022

Highlights for this release include the completion of the second phase of the PayConex Account Updater service, refinements to the PayConex/Twilio integration, and various bug fixes.

New Features and Enhancements

American Express support for Account Updater

With this PayConex release, we are excited to announce the completion of the second phase of our account updater integration. This phase adds support for American Express cards. PayConex merchants already utilizing the Account Updater service through CardSync do not have to take any additional steps for enablement as any AMEX cards currently part of a recurring schedule will be updated the same as all other brands from now on.

Refinements to the PayConex/Twilio Integration

We have made a few improvements to the PayConex connection to the Twilio Generic Pay Connector. These changes will help make the service more seamless for existing Software Vendors and Merchants to take advantage of.

Initially, our service was mapping the Twilio service's transaction_id to the PayConex custom_id parameter. With this release, we are introducing a new PayConex field titled ext_transaction_id . This allows any existing customers that might be using the PayConex custom_id for another purpose to keep their current workflow.

The ext_transaction_id :

  • Can be added as part of the default fields in the RSAPI options within the PayConex account settings page.
  • Has been added as an option when creating a Custom Report.
  • Will be visible on a transaction's details page.

Bug Fixes

PayConex settings page not saving new settings in certain cases

An issue was corrected where the PayConex settings page form validation was not throwing an error in some instances and prevented saving changes.

Large transaction amounts (e.g. 9,999,999.99) were not fully visible

Transaction amount values that were longer than six digits were not displaying in the UI correctly, this has been fixed.

Event log page loading an incorrect number of rows on initial load

An issue where the default value for the number of events to show on the event log page was not lining up with the number of rows that were actually returned was corrected.

Internal server error when accessing card batch report page

We have corrected an issue where in some cases an internal server error was being returned when attempting to access the card batch report page.