PayConex - 07.18.2023

In this release, there are a few enhancements to existing features and a handful of bug fixes.

Dynamic Descriptor Support for Elavon

In this release, we are extending the PayConex dynamic descriptor functionality to allow merchants on the Elavon platform to utilize the feature.

After the Dynamic Descriptor feature is enabled for a PayConex account, users with admin permissions can access the PayConex Settings tab and then click the Manage Dynamic Descriptors link.

This new page allows the creation and deletion of a dynamic descriptor. When creating a descriptor a Name value must be set. This name will allow the descriptor to be used when making an API request. You must also provide the descriptor, city, and state, the information that will appear on a customer's account statement when the descriptor is used.

When the name of the descriptor is sent with a PayConex API transaction request as the dynamic_descritor_name then the descriptor information configured for that name will be sent to the processor.

For more information please see our guide on using this feature here.



This feature is currently available for merchants processing with FIS, Fiserv RapidConnect, or Elavon.

Support for transaction_id Parameter Added for Refunds

Previously, transactions did not utilize the value of a pre-fetched transaction_id when included with a refund request. With this release, we have added the ability for refund transactions to accept this value.

Pre-fetching a transaction_id is a great way to keep track of the status of a transaction in the event of communication loss or similar unforeseen issues.

For more information on pre-fetching transaction information or checking the status of transactions please see our API guide on fetching transaction information.

Bug Fixes

Fraud Scoring issue with invalid data

An issue was discovered where certain data elements were not validated prior to a fraud scoring check causing some inconsistency in reporting. In this release, we have implemented functions to help alleviate this issue.

Duplicated refund at settlement

An isolated incident was reported where a refund transaction was processed twice. This edge case should now be resolved with this release.

Twilio Generic Pay Connector invalid error response

It was discovered that the PayConex integration to the Twilio Generic Pay Connector was providing improperly formatted error responses in cases where invalid PayConex credentials were provided to Twilio during setup. This release corrects that error response so that the Twilio system can provide this error data back as expected.

Declined Refunds for TSYS merchants

In certain scenarios, it was reported that some TSYS merchants were receiving declines when submitting refund transactions. In this release, we are updating our refund request process to match the guidance we received from TSYS on how best to correct this issue.