PayConex - 12.12.2023

This month's PayConex release includes a small enhancement to the Account Updater API and several maintenance/bug fixes. Detailed notes on the contents of the release are provided below.

Feature Enhancements and Updates

New Account Updater API Endpoint to Re-send Webhook Notifications

In this release, we are introducing a new endpoint for the Account Updater API. This endpoint allows developers to request that the system resend the most recent webhook notification related to a specific account or transaction.


  • Returns a 404 Not Found if no recent webhook call exists.
  • Returns a 200 OK upon successful resend.
  • Returns a 500 Internal Server Error if the webhook fails to send.

Enhanced Amount Validation for Hosted Payment Forms

This release strengthens the validation of the transaction amount for hosted payment forms configured with a fixed transaction amount. This is intended to help prevent unauthorized changes to the transaction amount merchants set for their hosted payment form.

This means that when a form is loaded and a value for the transaction amount is supplied in the POST request (or a fixed amount is specified within the form's settings), the system will ensure that the original fixed amount is used to process the transaction.

Bug Fixes

Elavon Transaction Timeouts

We have addressed an issue where the card brand networks were taking longer than usual to respond to transaction requests. The timeout duration for transactions processed on the Elavon network has been increased to accommodate these delays, ensuring smoother transaction processing.

Authorization Reversals Enabled in PayConex Virtual Terminal

In this release, we have resolved an issue for accounts using our RapidConnect connection, where authorization reversals were not functioning within the PayConex user interface. Authorization reversals can now be processed through the PayConex Virtual Terminal.

Preservation of Custom cashier Value in Pax Device Transactions

Previously, when a custom cashier parameter value was sent, it was not being retained with the transaction record. Now, the cashier value provided in a Pax transaction request will persist with the associated transaction in PayConex, enhancing transaction record accuracy and customization.

Correct Display of IPv6 Addresses in Transaction Details

An issue with the display of IPv6 addresses in PayConex transaction details has been corrected.

Handling Transactions Below $0.10

We have resolved an issue within the PayConex RapidConnect interface that resulted in errors when processing transactions amounting to less than ten cents. This fix allows for smooth processing of low-value transactions.