The TECS Platform Developer Hub

The TECS Platform is built upon leading-edge innovation, with extensive connectivity delivered fast & customized by a highly experienced team. The unique cloud-based platform is extremely efficient and flexible in processing payment transactions. You can easily shape our solution to match your business needs and create a winning value proposition for your merchants.


Accelerate you SmartPOS implementation with easy-to-use tools that are available to external ECR systems on Android
terminals to handle EMV and non-EMV EFT payment transactions.

SmartPOS Quickstart Guide

NaTALI Payment Application

NaTALI is an android application that integrates Java and
Lua scripts, designed to operate on payment hardware by Sunmi or Newland.

Android NaTALI User Guide

One-Click Payments

Enable e-commerce with Javascript, token generation, embedded
PayPage, payment processing and more.

One-Click Paymetns Quickstart Guide

PUSH Notifications

Leverage our online transaction notification interface - including the process flow and
API description.

One-Way Push Notification Interface

Merchant & Terminal API

Register, edit, and deactivate both merchants and terminals with a few simple API calls.

Merchant & Terminal Registration API Guide

User Management API

Register new users and
assign user roles with the User Management API web service.

User Management API Guide