ShieldConex v1.11 - 10.6.2022

Version 1.11 of ShieldConex includes a new logging feature and minor enhancements to templates.

New Features

Event Logging for Partner Supervisors

Partner Supervisors will have access to the new Event Log tool. This tool will allow them to review events like User Logins, Template Updates, and Partner Account Changes. The Date, Time, and IP Address of each event are included and can easily be searched. To access it simply click the Manage tab and choose Event Logging.



Automatic Card Number Spacing

Card Number fields are now able to auto-detect card brand and space input accordingly. Card spacing helps your end user follow and check their input leading to fewer errors and better conversion rates. This applies to iFrame versions 1.0 and 1.1

Default Length Limitations

The length limitations have been updated on the following fields:

  • Email Address - 6/128 Characters
  • Bank Account Number - 5/17 Digits

Bug Fixes

  1. CSVs exported from the Tokenization Totals report have been changed from Decryption Totals to Tokenization Totals and Detokenization Totals.
  2. The default display for Tokenization Totals is now All Tokenization Attempts instead of Unsuccessful Tokenizations.